While there is agreement that marketing content is important, most companies use a "shot-gun" approach to its planning and development. Delivering meaningful, compelling and timely content for target audiences is one of the biggest challenges for any marketing organization. A library of marketing content is the bait for your prospects. This bait allows you to actively engage prospects, educate them with insight, thought leadership, and valuable data. Challenges to the development of marketing content include significant investments in time and expense.
A content marketing strategy is the foundation for marketing efforts across multiple different mediums and campaigns.
Content Marketing Strategy to Support Demand Generation:
Develop personas for your different prospects
Document the sales process
Comprehensive Marketing Content Inventory
Rate quality of existing marketing content
Review the content of your competitors
Develop a corresponding marketing content plan for your product or solution.
Recommend and manage development of new content including:
White Papers Interactive Online Calculators Case Studies Web Content Blogging Podcasts Comparison Guides Video Web Content Offers / Calls to action
Plans to repurpose content across multiple mediums and social media